الجمعة، ٧ سبتمبر ٢٠٠٧

do i follow my heart ??

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You follow your heart when it comes to success

Do You Follow Your Heart or Your Head?

Brought to you by Tickle

الاثنين، ٢٧ أغسطس ٢٠٠٧

من كتاب الوابل الصيب

ان الله سبحانه وتعالى خلق هذا الادمي واختاره من بين سائر البرية وجعل قلبه محل كنوزه من الايمان والتوحيد والاخلاص والمحبة والحياء والتعظيم والمراقبة وجعل ثوابه اذا قدم عليه اكمل الثواب وافضله وهو النظر الى وجهه والفوز برضوانه ومجاورته في جنته وكان مع ذلك قد ابتلاه بالشهوة وبالغضب والغفلة وابتلاه بعدوه ابليس لا يفتر عنه فهو يدخل عليه من الابواب التي هي من نفسه وطبعه فتميل نفسه معه لانه يدخل عليها بما تحب فيتفق هو ونفسه وهواه على العبد ثلاثة مسلطون امرون فيبعثون الجوارح في قضاء وطرهم والجوارح الة منقادة فلا يمكنها الا الانبعاثفاقتضت رحمة ربه العزيز الرحيم به ان اعانه بجند اخر وامده بمدد اخر يقاوم به هذا الجند الذي يريد هلاكه فارسل اليه رسوله وانزل عليه كتابه وايده بملك كريم يقابل عدوه الشيطان فاذا امره الشيطان بامر امره الملك بامر ربه وبين له ما في طاعة العدو من الهلاك فهذا يلم به مرة وهذا مرة والمنصور من نصره الله عز وجل .
فاللهم يامقلب القلوب والابصار ثبوت قلوبنا على دينك وانصرنا برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين

السبت، ١٨ أغسطس ٢٠٠٧

الخميس، ٢ أغسطس ٢٠٠٧

my lovely Boshkosh and Farkoka

it's a story of fate, it's the true feeling,takes u from that terrifing life to that meaning of love and peace...but unfortunatily that it's not among the people ...i can just see this dream in the eyes of my Boshkosh and Farkoka. did I forgot to intoduce them??oh...excuse me they r Mr Boshkosh and Mrs Farkoka my dear cats...
the story began when my brother felt lonely living there in Alex as he is a navian officer, so he deicided to bring fellows they were those 2 small cats. He took care for them for a certain period till his work needed more time so he decided to bring them here to live with us.here starts my dream..truely at first i wasn't adapted to live with any moving animals but i was forced to accomodate with that fact (they r here). first i limited our relation to eye language, thus to see them only. one by one start the sense of touch...once i hold them... oh .. what happened?? that link that connect hearts reached my one. then the relation changed into more watching every action they do, feeding them and reached to sleep on my bed.
what is this world??????? i don't know. what is this all honesty,transparency and emotion they have. how they could know u from ur voice..how they could know that one is sad so start to calm him . what is all that respect they own to my father..hehe..as my father used to punish them for thier mistakes, so my father is a special person for them and although that they never thought to bite him. all what they do is to show more obeying to orders.
my lovely cats... i can still remeber the day Farkoka put down her first 5kids..yes 5 by once. oh... how poor she was being a mother for 5. in that day i believed in what we call (FETRA). ya all what she did wasn't teached by one to eat the placentae, clean herself and the kids, feed them till they sleep. that day when she saw me she run to me ...oh me dear...mabrouuuk.
why i'm writing this now... i wanted to say how much they deserve from my to tell u about them, that this world as it's not known from alot of us who could consider my writing is a kind of wasting time, but those who lived my experiment would feel what i say. please remeber when u see any animal that they r
امم امثالكم) صدق الله العظيم)
treat them kindly , show them humanity but if u decided not to do that, please keep yourself away from them...please don't hurt my dream.

الثلاثاء، ١٠ يوليو ٢٠٠٧

How to be sad...

How to be sad
Every moment comes caring a lot of feelings.. few happiness and a lot of sadness, thus sadness is a part of our feelings either we wanted or not.. it's a part of our life and no one can prevent it, it is that guest that we should host even without our willing, so how to be sad?? It's my question now…we 'r interested in learning every thing but never thought to learn how to deal and respect all means of feelings even it was sadness, and why not…why we consider that that time was bad why didn't we allow ourselves to think more deeply in the meaning of sadness and how to deal with.
Ok lets start . close your eyes…why r you sad? The answer is either u lost something or want something….so if u were from the first group and u lost an important thing….
so the next step is to ask yourself is it really was that important that makes u pass in these horrible moments… if the answer was yes so ask: can I get it back again….if the answer was no ..so can I compensate my loss by other mean…if the answer was still no, I shall respect here your sadness that it seems that u really have lost a so precious thing . but it comes here the question so what?? your loss became a fact now so what ? what is your next step? r u going to live all your coming moments with a history...weren't there other good moments of happiness, success, charity…remember here how many bad times u passed through… weren't they all become a history now…so will be the current one ,just remember that and that the happiness is coming through a narrow tunnel but finally even it was late but it'll come.
Back again to the second group…my dears .. I think that this group is much easier.. as this is the group of imagination… as if you are sad for a thing you want but u can't get , it means that u either don't deserve it and your hope was larger than you, and here all what you need is to study your goal and to plan for it with that spirit ( I'll get it)….the other possibility that you may really deserve it and worked hard to get your goal but the fate here has it's role… so remember how many things you though they were precious and then found out how cheap they were , so decide if I couldn't do this I'll try again and again in different ways till I reach my goal .
As all these work and experience give us the value of our life. Finally just remind yourself that
فعسى أن تكرهوا شيئا ويجعل الله فيه خيرا كثيرا) صدق الله العظيم)